Wednesday 6 November - 9:30-12:30
Thursday 7 November - 9:30-12:30

Delegates are required to complete some pre-course and offline work exercises.

This course has been designed to provide those attending with a basic yet comprehensive understanding of the essential building blocks of the risk management process. It is suitable for:

  • Individuals with responsibility for developing and implementing risk management and embedding effective internal controls within their organisation.
  • Individuals new to risk management or who find their traditional role expanding to include responsibility for risk functions.

Participants will gain an understanding of:

  • Why formal systems of risk management are needed, including definitions, standards, regulatory and governance requirements
  • Key drivers for managing risk in the public sector
  • How to manage risk
  • Tools and techniques for risk identification and assessment
  • Brainstorming techniques
  • Flow charts
  • Risk Bow Ties
  • Practical guidance for developing and working with risk registers
  • How to make risk management ‘work’ for your organisation
  • Role and responsibilities
  • The importance of monitoring and reporting
  • The ‘business case’ for good risk management.


Paul Dudley

Paul Dudley

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