ALARM welcomes you to our autumn Northern seminar returning back to Kennedys in Leeds. The agenda will cover topical issues and share good practice, sessions include: construction risks and contract implications, coroners inquests, risk reporting, and claims review audit. The event will finish with a networking event with refreshments provided by Kennedys.

Friday 11 October
9.30am – 10am
Registration and refreshments


10am – 10.45am
Session 1 - Contract works


10.45am – 11.30am
Session 2 - Coroners inquests


11.30am – 11.45am
Break & refreshments


11.45am – 12.45pm
Session 3 - Risk visualisation and automation


12.45pm – 1.30pm
Lunch and networking


1.30pm – 2.30pm
Session 4 - Risk interrupted: Breaking the chain


2.30pm – 3.15pm
Session 5 - Reframing risk


3.15pm – 5pm
Networking and drinks


Adrian Bloor

Adrian Bloor

UK Claims Director, Risk Management Partners

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Phil Farrar

Phil Farrar

National Development Director, Risk Management Partners

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Matthew Hardwick

Matthew Hardwick

Senior Risk Consultant, Zurich Municipal

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Danny McShee

Danny McShee

Partner, Kennedys

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Alex Ross

Alex Ross

Director, Government, Health and Due Diligence Advisory, Gallagher

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Chris Walker

Chris Walker

Head of Risk Management, Durham University

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