3A: Insurance and risk managers - break the mould and amplify your voice

1pm – 2pm GMT, 23 June 2025 ‐ 1 hour


The pressure on public services remains as high as ever, with organisations having to make difficult choices surrounding funding and service delivery. The role and voice of the Insurance Officer and Risk Manager has never been so important, yet they're often the last to be consulted and find themselves as a lone voice and beating their head against a wall, so to speak. In this session Adam and Steve will draw on more than 20 years each of experience in the public sector insurance and risk arena. They will explore innovative approaches and challenge the norms in the way we can 'get the message across', through wider internal and stakeholder engagement, leaning on your various partners and member associations.

Adam and Steve hope to spark new thoughts and ideas in the way you can amplify your voice amongst the against the general clamour and re-ignite and widen the conversations around risk, both positive and negative.